
How Vain Glory stands compared to Arena of Valor and Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Having played all 3 games ( reached Gold IV in Arena of Valor, Grandmaster V in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang and Tier 5 Bronze on Vain Glory ), i wanted to compare then and see who is better in certain aspects imo. It has been like one month since i stopped playing Arena of Valor and around 3 that i stopped with Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, and i still play Vain Glory.


Vain Glory is by far the most precise and imo, the best, it has a true moba feel to it; i dont know much about it’s balance state, but i would say there isn’t anyone useless or broken .

Arena of Valor feels like a clunkier version of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, and you can’t see that far from your character normally, that is a big issue when the game handles CC really badly. Everyone has CC, sometimes you get hit even outside of your screen, and it’s easy to stunlock someone to death, it isn’t fun to not be able to do anything for 4s every team fight. Yeah, you can sort of play around that with your own CC, but i think it would be only beneficial if every CC on the game was cut by half in time. Oh, and i don’t think Arena of Valor has diminishing returns on it’s CC.

Again, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang feels like an in between, it’s comfortable to play, but still lacks the precision of Vain Glory. Tbh i dont know the balance state of the game right now 🙁


Vain Glory is simply the best for me in that regard without any competition from the others. The characters feel pretty unique in personality and looks, their kits have depth, and their lore is atleast interesting. Actually i started to play Vox and Samuel because of their looks/personalities, and when i actually played with then it was really fun and i could feel that i improved a lot with then compared to my first matches.

Arena of Valor.. tbh i don’t like most of the heroes. They feel extremely cliche in appearance and personality. And most of the heroes kits ( most, not all ) are so extremely simple, it has nearly no depth to then ( looking at you Valhein ), but i admit that simplicity may not be bad when we are talking about a phone game.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang feels like the middle ground for me ( yep, again ), the characters are cool on appearance and personality, nothing spectacular. And the kits have a good amount of depth and simplicity to then. ( Tbh i think johnson is Vain Glory level, on kit and looks, and he is really fun to play )

PS: Lore on Mobile Legends: Bang Bang and Arena of Valor are just a little backstory and heroes have no relation with each other like in Vain Glory ( correct me if i’m wrong on that )

P2W factor/Progression and Currency Overall:

Vain Glory does a good job at it… In the most part. Talents can only be used on brawl modes and they even add some interesting aspects to the heroes, so it’s not just a “buy power” thing. At the current moment it doesn’t really give you much of a progression feel, blueprints are hard to get, and there is talents all over the place, and you can’t do anything with talent coins besides using then to upgrade talents, if you could atleast sell then or get glory/essence/opals for it. ( i think it would be interesting if you could seel rare talents for glory, epic ones for essence, and legendary for opals ). Heroes price is reasonable, requires a good amount of farm, but you can get then at a good speed if you play a lot ( 1 every 2 weeks more or less i guess ).

Arena of Valor.. Arcana System, enough said. Ok, i’ll try to keep it short, everyone has a arcana page, it has 30 slots max if im not mistaken, you unlock one slot at each level up, so at max level, max slots. The arcana system has 3 levels of arcana that you can buy with game currency to put on your arcana slots, and they give stats to your heroes. A 30 slots page full with Level 3 arcana is very powerful from what i heard. I’ll not get in more details, but it isnt a really cool system, it brings little variety to the table, and just pretty much hinders you from buying heroes, because you have to save currency for the expensive level 3 arcanas if you want to be on even grounds on high ranked tiers ( yep, it has full effect on every mode, even ranked ). It has achievements, important level rewards ( arcana slots ) and hero mastery, so it has more of a progression feel than Vain Glory. Heroes are pretty expensive, it will take more time than Vain Glory to get a hero on it for sure, but it gives you quite a lot of heroes just by playing.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang kinda sucks on that regard, skins give stats ( dont know how strong they are, but this just isnt good ), it has a emblem system that is a buy stats with game currency thing too, works differently for a result similar to Arena of Valor. Omg heroes are expensive, SO expensive. I swear i played it a lot for like 3 months and only had gold for 2 heroes. And it doesn’t give pretty much any of then for free at all.

TL;DR?: Gameplay/Balance: 1. Vain Glory 2. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang 3.Arena of Valor

Heroes: God Tier. Vain Glory 2. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang 3. Arena of Valor

P2W Factor: 1. Vain Glory 2. Arena of Valor 3. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Progression Feel: 1. Arena of Valor 2. Vain Glory Bottom Tier. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

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